Cambodia, beyond the essentials

Cambodia, beyond the essentials

From ## month to ## month

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Tour guides


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Program of the trip

Débutez cette journée, placée sous le signe du romantisme, par un déjeuner dans une maison traditionnelle privée située au sein du parc archéologique d’Angkor, aux abords du lac Sras Srang.

Continuez par une visite personnalisée de temples  « romantiques » tels que Tanei, Preah Pithu et la muraille d’Angkor Thom accompagnés d’un guide et d’un photographe professionnel qui immortalisera les meilleurs moments de cette après-midi.

Au coucher du soleil, embarquez sur une gondole de style khmer pour une balade sur les douves d’Angkor tout en dégustant un apéritif (champagne et canapés) en tête-à-tête.

Pour parfaire cette journée à deux, vous dînerez aux chandelles dans un cadre exceptionnel et privatisé, de mets préparés spécialement pour vous par votre chef cuisinier sur un doux fond de musique traditionnelle.

Retour à votre hôtel.

Download the detailed program

Les villageois contribuent aux activités d'éco-tourisme misent en place par le centre communautaire. L'objectif de ce dernier étant de générer des revenus pour les familles et de faciliter l'accès à la culture khmère pour les voyageurs.

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Our prices*

Private minivan500700900
* Prices in US dollars and by guest with an English speaking guide
**one more thing


Not included

Equipment to provide

Romantic getaway

Cambodia, beyond the essentials

From ## month to ## month

Experience Angkor with your partner by falling into the mystique and romance of Siem Reap. Meander through the temples with a private photographer capturing your enchantment. Drift along in a Khmer gondola with only the sounds of the swallows and the water lapping at your boat. And finish your day with a candlelight dinner at one of our exceptional restaurants. 


Tour guides

Program of the day

Begin your day with a delicious lunch beside the Sras Sang Lake, inside the Angkor Park.

Then, stroll through majestic sites such as Tanei Temple, Preah Pithu and the great wall of Angkor Thom whilst a photographer immortalises your most sincere moments through the afternoon.

At sunset, absorb the last of the sun’s rays observing it cast picturesque shadows over Angkor. The sky now turns to a myriad of warm, soothing colours whilst you enjoy an aperitif of champagne and canapes on your private gondola.

Conclude your day with an exclusive candlelight dinner, where you and your partner will dine on a selection of curated dishes crafted by your own personal chef.

Return to your hotel


The villagers contribute to the eco-tourism activities set up by the community centre. The aim of the centre is to generate income for the families and facilitate access to Khmer culture for travellers.

Our prices*

690 $
* Prices in US dollars and by guest with an English speaking guide


Not included

Equipment to provide

The City of Angkor

Cambodia, beyond the essentials

From ## month to ## month

Explore the lavish Angkor Archaeological Park with one of our expert certified guides. Your guide can alter and adapt your itinerary as you explore to ensure that you discover unmissable, yet less frequented sites.


Tour guides

Program of the day

Departure from your hotel to the city of Angkor

Lunch: Take in the tranquillity of the Sras Sang Basin as you enjoy a private lunch in a traditional home.

Visit the temples of: Angkor Wat, Bayon, Ta Prohm, The Terrace of the Elephants and the Leper King, the Baphuon, Preah Khan, Ta Nei, Ta som.

Return to your hotel.

(You can extend your trip to include sunset or sunrise at your request)


Explore this World Unique Site with the best local guides.

Our prices*

Tuktuk90 $70 $65 $ 58 $
Aircond transport110 $78 $70 $62 $
* Prices in US dollars and by guest with an English speaking guide


Not included

Equipment to provide